Thursday, December 8, 2011

Green shoes

A lady dressed in formals steps into the room filled with bare minimum furniture - a chair and a desk. The lady behind the desk hands her 2 papers - one empty, and the other one saying "Green shoes". She is directed towards another room, this one filled with furniture - lots of chairs and tables scattered around, and lots of people. She was never too comfortable around too many people. She found a lonely little corner on a sofa at the far end. Some people are murmuring to each other, while some are perusing, and others writing frantically on their piece of paper. She settles into the couch, and takes a look around. Maybe, it wasn't a good idea. she feels old all of a sudden. She is clueless. She goes blank. She struggles. She fumbles. And then, she stumbles across an idea. As usual, she would have trouble expressing it. She was never good with prose. So she goes ahead and writes ....

I wake up each morning, take a shot of gourd juice.
Suit up my ego and vanity, and put on my green shoes.

I ride up the elevator, I've got nothing to lose.
But till I reach the top, I'd have a lot to choose.

My spirit's drunk on power, I'm running the rat-race.
Making a stack of green bills, never sure how long it stays.

Half the day passed by, the top of the roof slid by.
Yet I'm running, but who knows why.

It's time to go home, it's time to let the soul loose.
I'm finally at peace, it's time to take off my green shoes.

Disclaimer: Based on a true story
30-Oct-2010, 11:45 am, Taj Palace Hotel, Delhi, ISB Applications Round 1 Interview location

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